Every grape that went Into this wine was farmed by Adi and his team on the family property, Kalmoesfontein. In fact, every young vineyard on the farm gets equal representati on in this new blend. Twenty-three young vineyards, planted i n the decomposed granite on the slopes of the Paardeberg , united - to give " the most authentic expression of Kalmoesfontein terroir yet"

  • South Africa    Western Cape    Swartland
  • Alcohol
  • Certified sustainable
  • Natural wine
  • Residual sugar
  • Vineyard size
      23 young vineyards of red and white grapes

If you know Adi you may have heard of his dream to make only one wine… When the young Badenhorst family settled in the Swartland Adi had planned to only make two ( the Family White and Red B lends) - but then came the bills and budgets and ( dankie tog!) that led to the birth of the easy to drink (and buy, and sell!) Secateurs range. Then the o ld vine vineyards on the property were nurtured into something special that deserved to be expressed separately from the blends & so we got the Single Vineyard Range. Now, as Adi approaches his own half century mark, this new Papegaai is a nod towards the old dream of making just one wine one that screams Kalmoesfontein & Adi Badenhorst.