Canopy provides wholesale wine clearing, invoicing, warehousing, and logistics for core U.S. wine markets delivered in an easy-to-use package that helps your team grow sales and customer relationships

Wholesale clearing

Canopy is a licensed wholesale distributor in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and California. Reach over 22% of the United States population through delivery via Canopy directly to retailers and restaurants in our core states. No messy state filings and paperwork needed. Canopy is ready to sell wine to distributors in all 50 states. Expand and serve distributors in peripheral markets seamlessly from our East Coast warehouse.

Serving New York, New Jersey, California, and Connecticut

Canopy reaches more than 22% of the United States population and the three largest wine markets in the country as a single, easy-to-use sales channel.

Simple per-case pricing

Canopy offers transparent pricing that grows with your business. Our competitive pricing helps you achieve better margins and avoid clearing headaches. Our pricing is simple and predictable, there are no hidden charges, and signing up is simple. You'll receive a detailed reconciliation of sales, charges, and the amount payable to you at the end of each month.

Instant compliance

Canopy handles state-level compliance so that you don’t have to. We process excise tax filings, post prices with state authorities, assist with brand registration, and provide a dashboard that lets you check your compliance status instantly.

Easy-to-use software & dedicated support

Canopy is backed by a powerful proprietary software platform and supported by a team of dedicated professionals. Use our easy software tool to manage your customers, orders, inventory, invoicing, prices, and finances in one place. Share information with your whole team instantly. Our online-first approach saves you money and puts you in charge of your sales without middlemen.

Warehousing, freight & logistics

Store and deliver inventory from our East Coast warehouse facilities. Canopy can assist you with ocean freight shipments and domestic trucking. We partner with reputable and reliable logistics partners to make freight journeys seamless.

Import assistance

Canopy is a licensed federal importer and can assist you to prepare filings for federal and state compliance prior to introducing a product into the market. Brand registration, label registration, import documentation, & customs clearance can be supported by a dedicated team of wine-savvy professionals.

Grow sales & customer relationships

Canopy includes built-in CRM tools that seamlessly integrate with your orders, inventory, and finances. Each customer has a dedicated page showing your contacts, a map of the customer's location, a history of your interactions with the customer, products that the customer has sampled along with their reactions, past orders, their outstanding balance, and more. Spend less time keeping records and more time selling.